High-Performance Teams Thanks to Agile Transformation

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In an era when companies must constantly face new challenges, effective teamwork plays a crucial role. Here is where Yes and Why GmbH comes in, a consultancy that specializes in transforming less effective teams into high-performance teams through agile transformation. Want to learn more about what an agile mindset truly means? Read our detailed article “What does an agile mindset mean? A Comprehensive Guide.”

The Challenge of Change

Changes are omnipresent in the business world, yet they are not always successful. Studies indicate that about 70% of all change initiatives in companies fail. The reasons are varied, but often it boils down to differing awareness of the problem, resulting in a lack of acceptance of the solution approach. To achieve sustainable change, it is therefore necessary to proceed in small, well-considered steps. Continuous monitoring of progress is essential to ensure that changes are supported by everyone, actually take hold, and achieve the desired results.

Developing High-Performance Teams: The Yes and Why Approach

The consultancy team at Yes and Why, composed of professionals with extensive knowledge in IT, psychology, and systemic organisational development, offers specialised workshops aimed at improving team dynamics and effectiveness. These workshops often begin with a press conference-like interview with a team leader. This approach allows team members to understand better the perspectives of the leaders and the urgency of the issues at hand. Through this integrative approach, Yes and Why fosters a deep understanding and strong team collaboration.

Communication as a Universal Tool

A central aspect of these workshops is clear, targeted communication. Regardless of the industry, whether it’s banking, insurance, SMEs, event organizers, or administration, the basic principles of successful communication are always the same. To overcome the often tense atmosphere, Yes and Why places great emphasis on remaining neutral and focused and avoiding personal accusations. This ensures that the workshops are productive and do not turn into a tribunal.

Review and Adjustment

After the problems have been identified and solutions approaches developed, regular check-points are defined. These serve to review the effectiveness of the measures taken and make adjustments as needed. The goal is to ensure through these regular evaluations that the changes are not just on paper but are genuinely lived.

Long-Term Support and Success

The support from Yes and Why does not end with one workshop. Depending on the needs, teams are supported at varying intervals from two months up to a year to ensure that the agile transformation is deeply embedded in the team culture and yields sustainable results.


The work of Yes and Why shows that the key to success in agile transformation does not solely lie in the application of the methods but rather in the way these methods are integrated into the existing corporate culture and embraced by the teams. Through targeted workshops, ongoing support, and regular evaluations, even significant challenges can be overcome and lasting improvements achieved.

Would you like to learn more about how agile transformation can advance your company? Contact us here for more information and start transforming your team today.

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